Friday, December 1, 2017

Christmas at HOME

Hi there Paper Lovers!

Hope that your year is ending well. I can't believe how fast this year has gone. I am still having so much fun with the Finesse collection and now we are on to December and Christmas and Holidays and more fun. I have been working on a Christmas collection since June and suddenly this past week it just came together. I can only give God the glory for it. He is my inspiration all the time.

Read more about this collection here: Click here

Without much further ado, here is the visuals:

As always, we have a core collection and in this one we have 12 items, 24 designs. We included a lovely poster for you to display in your home (maybe add it to a little frame). We know that you make gift boxes for Christmas and so we also added some pretty tags. Once again this collection has so much to offer cut wise. We have a nativity scene that you can cut and make a 3D display with, cut flowers that you can layer on your creations, the tags and also wordy strips and lovely accent elements from trees to cameras and more. The first item is also designed to be a twin page but some of the other items can also be used as twins. 

Then we have our sturdier base elements on 240gsm cardstock in all four colours. Just listen to the names of these colours: Calabash Gold; Warm Berry; Apple Cider and Angel cloud. Doesn't that make you dream about all things Christmas! :)

Once again we have our Simple Pretty collectible packs. This time around we changed the design set to include gift boxes and stars for Christmas. And we have it in two jummy colours.

New to our collections are also the #Minis 
In this collection we have 24 designs for you including some bonus cut features to help you make easy and quick Christmas cards. 

We just love our Cute Cut packs. They are so versatile. They work for scrapbooking, cardmaking, Bible and Art journaling and for use in your planner or diary or anything else for that matter. We also suggest you can use them for the album set we brought out this month. (see next immage)

And we just know you will love these little beauties! Also a new product in our line...the flair button. We decided to not bring it out in set packs but allow you to order any of the designs in any quantities. You also have to option to order them as flatback or with a pin. This gives you control over what you want and can afford. They are R8,50 per button. (Just note that we also have two other items with a variety of buttons listed in our store)


I wanted to document my December using the Project Life way of scrapbooking which is my all time favourite. I designed 140 cards (Available in English or Afrikaans) to go with a lovely printed album. The covers (front and back) are in full colour. You can add your own date or even your family name to the label on the front. There are 62 pages of plain white cardstock inside (240gsm) and you just need your photos, memories, moments and the card set to complete your album...oh and some glue. 

The Set is R590 but you can also order the albums and card set separately. The covers are available in Green and Red as well as Blue and Red. 

(Disclaimer: All Ivytree Studio items are always available in English or Afrikaans for your convenience)

A note from #GraceLilly (Bible and Prayer Journaling):

Also note that I designed the Pretty Pocket Card set so that you can use this album as a Faith journal as well. Lots of faith based items in the set and if you use it together with the CuteCuts pack, you will have enough goodies to document your faith journey through December.

Our final order cycle for the year ends 
Thursday night, 7 December 2017 at 24:00. 
Please place and pay for your orders before then. 
We want to be able to deliver before Christmas, so we would need you to adhere to this deadline. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Finesse, The Art of Womenhood

Dear Paperlovers,

Back in July this year, I started designing the Finesse Collection. With it came a lot of new features to our product line as well. That meant more design and more time to develop it all.  Very exciting times for us!

Then halfway through  I caught a serious flue of some sorts and it went away. Then it came back again ....this time much worse...and turned into laryngitis and bronchitis which in turn triggered my "under-control" asthma. Jikes, I haven't been this sick in a loooooooooong time and if I had a medical aid, I would probably have ended up in hospital. It was like God was saying: "I will make sure that you rest and take a break." He wanted my attention and I gave it. My family prayed, and made sure I was snuggling up in bed and resting. I had loads of chicken broth and honey, but in the end the asthma was so severe that I had to go to the doctor (which I hate and try to sidestep as far as possible) and she put me on antibiotics  (which I never take because it is absolutely poison and in the long-term brakes down your immunity), but my sister Surita, who also knows how bad asthma can get, was so worried that she forced me to take it. Well, in 5 days I was much better and could go back to work. She has been such a star through it all, taking the lead and doing her job as well as mine. So very thankful for her. So after weeks and weeks mostly spent in bed, we were able to finish our Finesse Collection and all the goes with it.

Without further ado, today we share our new product line with you. It is called #PaperLove and we hope that it brings you joy and loads of hours in your craft studio.

#PaperLove explained:

#Core: (160gsm, Doublesided x 6) - The Core collection in #PaperLove will always have a different name and be theme specific. In this instance the core collection is "Finesse, the Art of Womanhood"
#Mini: The core collection is also now available in minis (6"x 6" pre-cut card squares) and you can buy them in a 12 pack or 24 pack depending on your budget.
#Base: (240gsm, Doublesided x 6) - Textured and two toned solids as well as two toned wood panels in the three core colours (coral rose, jade, mulberry)
#SimplyPretty: (160gsm, Singlesided x12 plus bonus on back of cover) - This is an all new product for us. These paper packs have 12 single sided sheets and can only be ordered as a pack. You can collect these. They are simple patterns in a set of 4 designs plus stripes and dots, we added 3 sets of our signature card squares plus a large framed page. To make your scarpbooking even easier we added a full washi page and a brand new borders page that gives you doubles so you can frame your double layouts with them. We even added easy cut bunting x 2. These packs have a cover page and so we added a little bonus to these with some cut elements in 3's. From clock faces to little birdies and cute cameras, so you don't waste anything.

#CuteCuts: You may ask, what happened to the text in our paper collections or all the cut goodies and the pretty pocket cards. Well, we thought it through for you.  Our all new Cute Cuts packs are soooooooo jummy. Over 250 cuts in total. It took me all of one evening in front of the TV to fussy cut these effortlessly and they are just so cute.  These packs have 12 cards and they have a little cut line on most of them so you can even cut or fold the cards in half and travel around with them in your Planner or Bible Journal bag or pop them in your tool caddy. They take up less room, are much more user friendly and very very versatile. The elements can be used for all sorts of crafts. These packs are available in English and Afrikaans. They also include more borders that match the core collection.

#GraceLilly: This is our Bible and Prayer Journaling item. It includes a devotional booklet with a free tracing card and 6 cute cut cards. The cards include power verse cards and scripture themed elements to help you illustrate the Scripture that the Devotional is based on.  The Finesse Devotional is based on Proverbs 31. You may ask why GraceLilly? Well, remember I said that I got sick and God wanted my attention. Well, I believe He used this time so He could re-align me with what His vision for our little business is. We have decided that we will build our collections on the foundation of what God shows us we need to do and GraceLilly is that Biblical foundation that our collections will flow from. It will be the starting point from now on. #Godfirstinallwedo #English #Afrikaans

That concludes the Paperlove part of the #PaperLove Collection.

Next up is what you asked for in our collections:

#ChippieLove: These are chipboard cuts in the form of a little kit. One has a variety of text elememts and quotes, small enough to fit any collection and can even be used in your Bible or Planner. They are available in English and Afrikaans. The second kit has a variety of little element accents to match the Finesse collection, but can also be used on any other collection.

#StencilLove: We have a set of 6 stencils available. 5 Art stencils and 1 Bible Journaling/Planner stencil.

#DressUp: This is a variety of little embellishments. The usual suspects are included from sequence, buttons, diamante, beads, ribbon and twine and paper roses in three colours all colour matched to the Finesse Core collection.

#Giveitflair: All new flair buttons in 4 designs. We love these little guys. They are so friendly. Flat backed or with a pin so you can add them to your apron or tool caddy.

We would love your feedback on it, so don't hesitate to comment to this post or interact with us on Facebook.

#OrderCycle:  The order cycle for this collection will run from 19 October to 31 October 2017.  Please ensure that you place your order during this time. We will not be manufacturing more than what is ordered, so if you miss it, you miss it.

#ShippingDate: 15 November 2017

In the next couple of days we will be sharing some layouts to inspire you with this collection so keep an eye out.

Any retailers interested in this product line, can contact us via email to inquire about pricing and retail options.

Happy Paper Trails

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Women's Day 2017 - New season, New Collections and new Creative Team news

Dear Paper Lovers,

It is wonderful to see how God brings about the change in seasons. The Clivia's in my mom's garden is already blooming and it looks like Spring is about to burst open. Even though I still wear my fleece pajamas and socks and early mornings are chilly, the weather in Pretoria has been absolutely perfect!


...and so this year is more than half way over and already we are at WOMEN'S DAY! Can you believe it? Well, I hope that this day is filled with laughter and rest and blessing and maybe a little "being creative".

This morning God woke me really early..before 7AM. Yes, that is early for me. As a teacher I use to wake up at 6:00 to be in time for school's tart at 7:15. That meant that I had to dress and get everything done in a rush and face the traffic while driving to work. As a night-owl I am at my best and most creative late at night and was use to going to bed well after 22:30. So for years I was also accustomed to very little sleep. Not so good. So since leaving mainstream teaching behind, I am able to go to bed when I am ready and done with my day...I try to stick to 24:00 at the very latest and then start my day a little later in the mornings, so this morning was the exception to my new status quo. 7AM. I felt God calling me to my studio and this little girl made her way to my handmade notebook that I shared on Instagram and Facebook earlier this week.

The verse I illustrated was Psalm 55:22 and is a favourite of mine. It is also Joyce Meyer's husband, Dave's go to verse in every situation.

So as this is Women's Day and I know that most of you, like me, are heavy laden with loads of burdens and challenges and chores, let this be a reminder that when we cast our cares and burdens on to Jesus, that because He cares for us, He will take it on to Him and give us new strength. When you feel like you want to give in under life's pressures, take heart and know: "He will never let the righteous fall".


There is so much going on in our little studio and I wish I could give you all the detail, but mmmnn, no, you will just have to once again wait and see in the coming months, what we have been up to lately. Exciting stuff!! :)


One of the areas we have learned a lot in the past year, was our 2017 Design Team.  We have these lovely and very creative ladies on our team this year that has helped us gain experience in running our own Creative Design Team. They formed an important part of the "how to" of it, the "what to do and what not to do" and then we had to merge all of that experience with what our vision for Ivytree Studio is.  One thing I can assure you of is running a Creative team is more a full time job than anything else..if you really want to do it well and make sure everyone reaps the rewards.

After six months we realized the following: 
1. That it was taking up way more of our time than we intended and as we only have two sets of hands (and a willing third pair from time to time..."hubby in the background"), we needed to re-assess the process. You have to be realistic, right.
2. We were falling behind on what we really wanted to accomplish with the team, because we were getting sidetracked. Yes, that happens to us all, right, even though you may be very determined NOT to get side tracked at the start. You plan to go one way, then someone makes a great suggestion and you humor it, then someone else suggests something else and you turn that way and again and again until you can't see the wood for the trees. Not to mention all your own ideas that can really make your head explode. :) :) I just saw a picture of the melon explode into mush...vivid imagination, right? Did you see it explode too?

At some point you just have to stop, re-evaluate your direction and gain some higher perspective. My "higher perspective" is God. He just doesn't give me peace about things He does not want for me. My signal to know if I am on the right track with something or not is weather I have inner peace about what I am doing.  At 43 I know that pit-of-your-stomach-feeling all too well. When I was younger, I would ignore it and continue on something until it was really hurting me. With age and experience, I have learned to listen to that Voice that says: "Go this way instead of that way" or "Come back, this is the best place for you!"

OK, so back to the Design team. All in all it was a very educational experience, but most of all I personally really enjoyed the team and there enthusiasm for our paper. I will always be thankful for their input and the passion all three of them expressed using our paper.

These three ladies are our very special team members. You know girls, you will always be known as the very FIRST three Creative Team members of Ivytree Studio. I hope that warms your hearts. It is something I will treasure for sure.

As this post is already getting to be a "short story" instead of a blog post, I will be posting the current DT's final projects in another post or two to come. So, come back to read about it. You can also visit there blogs and see what they  have been up to lately. You can still click on their blogs in the sidebar.

So what is changing:
1. We will no longer have a full-time Creative Design Team with set members who auditioned once and were on the team for a full one year term.
2. We needed some time to think about what we DO want and also how we want to reach the world with our paper. So, instead of limiting the opportunity to just three ladies, we are changing the way we manage the Creative Team. But we also need to manage it in such a way that the workload and time constraints for us is way way we can spend more time designing those pretty products you like.


Will we still have a Design Team? YES

What will it be known as from now on?  Ivytree Studio Creative Team

What will the members be known as? Guest Designers

How will it work?
1. We will launch a challenge with every new collection, on Facebook and on our blog here.
2. Who can participate? Layout artists across SA & anyone with a pretty talent for papercrafting and a love of our paper, can join in EVERY challenge.

3. How to enter a project for the challenge? (You need to be at least a "little tech-savvy" to get this going ;) )

  • Join our Ivytree Studio Facebook group and this blog.
  • Then purchase some of our paper here and make something with it according to the rules & theme of the next challenge. 
  • Take two quality pictures: a close-up of your favourite section and a full view layout picture. 
  • Create a basic blog post on your own blog showcasing your experience. 

(Blog post should consist of: 1. the two photos you took, 2. a little something on your process or experience with the paper and 3. a basic list of items used. Anything more is up to you - Yes, you will need to have your own blog of course).

4. Finally, submit your entry:

Step 1: 

  • Share your two images (without any watermarks) 
  • and a link to your blog post 
  • via email: with us 
Step 2:
  • Post your entry to our Facebook group Challenge album by the due date. 

(No blog post pre-approval is needed for these auditions and we won't proof read or suggest any edits unless it violates the no-fairy policy in which case we will just delete the submission from the Facebook album.)

The only rules we have is that you adhere to our "No fairy"-Policy (a short list of themes and topics we do not support or wish Ivytree Studio to be associated with like Halloween for instance). We will publish the list to our website soon). 

Why no watermarks?
When you enter your photos for the challenge, don't put any watermarks. We will create a special GD watermark and add it when we share your work.

  • This way, you don't have the hassle of creating or placing watermarks, if that's is not your thing. 
  • Secondly, if you wanted to enter your work in another challenge or share in another group, you can do it with or without your own watermark. 
If you wanted to share your work with our watermark on it, 

you can just copy it from Facebook where we will be sharing it or just re-post it from our page. 

  • Finally, most of you like to enter your layouts for challenges to Scrap Affairs, our local magazine and they require you not to use a watermark of any sort. So keep this in mind. 

What is on offer for the Challenge winners?

  • Out of every challenge we will choose the absolute best designer and she will then receive the very next collection absolutely FREE before everyone else does. 
  • She will then be showcased on our Guest Designer wall for 2017 for the remainder of the year;
  • receive a badge for her blog 
  • and we will also share one blog post showcasing her work here for every challenge won. 

Why should you join our Facebook Group and enter the challenges?

Our Facebook Group is a private group. You have to be an approved member, but once you are, we will be sharing freebies and digital downloads with all those who enter the challenges. Those who don't enter, won't receive any of the goodies we designate for these challenges and it won't be available free anywhere else. We might also feel that some of the entries deserve a mention on our public pages, but we will always ask your permission before we share anything officially.

Other opportunities for a GD member:

We might from time to time want to ask members of the Guest Creative team to create something for us and we will send that person the goodies they need to be creative with.

Once you are on the CT wall as a Guest Designer, you are also absolutely welcome to create more projects and share it with us on Facebook. We will re-share and post it, but not necessarily blog about it or watermark it, unless it blows our mind. Blogging is a lot of work. A quick share takes less time.


The Creative team will grow over time and you might find your face on that wall soon. This means that we don't direct what you create or how or what you write or blog about. We just INSPIRE you to create and be creative and give you opportunities to do so!  The major thing to focus on here is also to just have fun and enjoy what you love to do: Creating beautiful things with paper! Writing your story well is also the reward.

We can't wait to meet new Ivytree Studio friends who are as passionate as we are about paper!

Because anyone is able to re-enter any new challenge, weather you are on the CT wall or not, we will make sure that once you have won a free pack, you cannot win it twice in a row. 
We will test this and update the disclaimer with more info in a couple of months if needed. 

Just to get you very very excited, here is a sneak peak of our TWO new collections coming soon... (There are so many things I want to share about these two collections and I am so excited I can't sit still!!!!) There will be a challenge for each of these collections and we will share marketing on the new CT ("Creative Team") once we have launched it in our store and on Facebook. 


We still have some stock available of the New Revamped Hadeda Garden Collection and I loaded a promotional item in store at a discounted price to celebrate women's day.  Still love this collection with some of my favourite colours and patterns. Love my dots and stripes. 

So, get over to the store and get yours, while stocks last. 

Click here to purchase your pack today.


Join us in our next post to read about: 
The DT's final projects, Grace Lilly Workshops and Products 

Visit Ivytree Studio to see more of what we are up to:
Buy some of our pretty paper here
Connect with the team on our Facebook page here.
Share your Ivytree Studio layouts with us here

Friday, July 28, 2017

Rainbow Blog Hop Prize winner

Dear Paper Lovers,

All of the ladies who commented on the Rainbow Blog post, will receive a free digital card kit from us. Please make sure that you send us an email at so we can send you the download link.

We would also like to announce the winner of our little blog challenge for the Rainbow Blog Hop:

The winner is Olga Fink.  

Thank you Olga, for following us on the normal blog follow platform and the Google+ platform.  She will also receive the digital card kit and a few little extras. We just need you to send us an email as well, Olga. So please don't delay. We would like to send you your goodies as soon as possible.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Rainbow blog hop

Dear Paper Lovers,

As the winter has snuggled in quite good in Pretoria and staying inside more makes it a natural choice to go into the studio to just enjoy being creative, I would like to share what I have created lately with you all today.  At Ivytree Studio we have been busy beez and without revealing too much of what we have been up to ;), I can share with you  that we just released our two birthday collections: Happy Day and the all new Hadeda Garden.  These two new collections are no. 5 and 6 and celebrate our paper brand's first birthday - (for those who don't know: our paper brand is called "Ivytree Elements" - you will see the logo on the bottom right of each of our collection items in the form of our signature flag). To view all the collections available in this brand, click here.

The Happy Day collection is actually designed in all the colours of our branding and I have been having so much fun playing with it.  The Hadeda Garden collection is actually our very first collection but we applied all we learned in our first year designing our pretty paper to update and streamline it so it reflects all the Elements that you have become accustom to. The blues and pinks and all the various basic patterns makes it a very versatile collection that can be used for almost any layout. I am married and so have loads of photos of hubby that I like to scrap and then I have loads of photos of us together so the combination of blue and pink just work so well. I created a couple of layouts and cards with the Hadeda Garden collection last year but can't wait to get into my brand new pack to use the new elements added to this collection. For all you card makers and planner girls out their, all the goodies in this one is such fun to play with.  

I make designer cards that take some time to make but lately my cardmaking has been so easy and much quicker as I can create the clusters I love to add to my cards with all the little bits included in our collections.  I find it easier than ever to make something beautiful with half the time and effort I used to put in.  That means more productivity. Here are just some examples of items that I used in my card that I will showcase in this post. 



I started out as a cardmaker, making cards for family and friends many moons ago when I was a little girl. My dad still holds on to those little treasures and from time to time we find them in books and places he hid them for safe keeping. So, for me, the love of cardmaking has always been so part of my DNA and that goes for my sister and partner in design, Surita, too. So when we design our paper collections, we design for the needs of the cardmaker and the memory keeper and above all the paper lover and artist.  It is a very personal journey. 

As part of a new venture over on the Cardmaking and Paper Crafting in SA group on Facebook, I volunteered together with other SA crafters to create a card for a blog hop that starts today.  Any excuse to use my new paper and make some art. The challenge: to create a "rainbow card". 

Visit Sharon Thomboo's blog for the full brief here


Before I get into my card and show you what I ended up creating for this blog hop, just a quick challenge for our readers: 
If you read this post, visited our blog here and enjoyed this blog hop, then please follow our blog in the sidebar of this blog (you will need to be on your PC to view the sidebar) and after following the blog, please leave a comment on this post. We will then choose a random winner for a special Ivytree Studio prize that will be chosen on the last day of the blog hop, 20 July 2017 and we will announce the winner here and on Facebook on the 21st of July 2017. 

Rainbows - a poem by Ansu Badenhorst
(I wrote this poem just for this occasion. Hope it encourages you to hope)

This is what I believe:
When God created rainbows, 
He meant it as a message to you and me.
When God created rainbows, 
He was showing His faithfulness and love to all mankind.

After every storm 
when the rain still hangs heavy in the sky,
you will find it there...
His colorful message to the world that says:
"I love you"

In the midst of life's storms,
when everything seems like there is no hope, 
when you feel empty and tired 
tossed about by the tempests of trouble and pain,
each and every time,
you can look UP
and in the clouds
between the rays of sun shining through,
you will find that colorful message
and if you listen closely 
you will here a very personal hello
from the King of Kings saying:
my child, I still love you. 

With His presence so near
and His voice so clear, 
nothing can ever separate us from the truth 
that God, the Creator of the Universe,
shows His heart for us in the sky..
so next time you look for that rainbow in hope 
remember what it means
a personal note
a card from God
He loves you!

 ...And here it is: 

A Patchwork Rainbow card - Handmade and hand stitched. 

Everything in this card was cut by hand. No dies or machines were used. 

The story of this card:

I love needlework and embroidery and still remember my gran telling us how she made hats for a living, my mom making dresses for me and always involving me in the process, my aunt doing  crochet work to the point of disfiguring her fingers. My gran taught her daughters how to sew, they taught us. I will probably always have a love for some sort of needlework. I remember my dream at school was to become a fashion designer so no surprise then that I changed direction from teaching and today I am a designer of pretty paper. I received my other gran's vintage Singer sewing machine as a young girl and later bought my own electric sewing machine that I used in costume design  for school events when I was still a mainstream school teacher and then pickled it all the way on an airplane as on-board luggage to Oman in the Middle East after my wedding nearly a decade great amusement of my family-in-law.  They didn't really know me well back then, but if they did they would have realised that I am a planner and I knew that I was going to live in the middle of the desert in a small town far away from amenities. If I needed to mend clothing, the machine would come in handy.  Or even if I just wanted to keep busy, it would be a great tool to have or to share with fellow expats. 

So why this long story, well over the years I have seen loads of people incorporating wonderful stitching in their paper creations. I am very fussy when it comes to using techniques just for the sake of it. I want to WANT to use a technique because I love it, I am comfortable in using it or adding it for the sake of art and never just because someone else is doing it or it is a current trend of some sort.  It has to fit my personality. I won't buy product either just because people promote it through a "technique". It is mostly just a sales pitch anyway, so I do my research and I decide carefully if it will suit me, my temperament. If it doesn't or I am not sure or if I am on other things at that time, I won't move forward to use it in my art.  Sewing is another matter all together for me. It is personal. It is something that I grew up with. It is something I have in common with my gardener mom (I am not a gardener you see), so sharing this with my mom is special. I have made curtains, aprons, dresses, bags and many other things over the years and one thing that I love about sewing is the freedom I have in not following patterns but creating my own from scratch.  I am a bit of a rebel like that. 

Thus after a long long time, I have now moved forward in testing out my sewing skills on paper. A few years ago I started using my sewing machine on my cards, but I haven't done that for a while.  Too much effort to get out the machine just for a card. Sewing by hand is more of a challenge and lately I have had a craving to try new things with my needle and threads. I think I get the desire to hand stitch things, from my gran and it is something I can do when away from my studio desk. I can be anywhere and do it on my lap. You may just see more of my paper stitching in the future. 

In this card I decided to combine my love for mixed media, cards, stitching, paper and florals all in one patchwork like in a quilt. I kept the stitching simple and basically just traced the rainbows with my stitching to make it pop a bit and outline it as the rainbow is the main feature to this card. 

When I look at it, it tells me about life and the experience of all the different seasons and circumstances we have to face, but it brings me Joy to know that God created rainbows as a reminder of His love and presence and faithfulness to His creation. 

He will also never test us above what we can bare. The gold elements in this card symbolizes to me the testing we sometimes go through in life and how we are purified by our sufferings and challenges like fire purifies gold. I find hope in it that we are only kept in the fire long enough to purify us as the One who purifies knows that if we stay in the fire to long, it will destroy the gold in us and He wants us to shine just like the washi I used at the bottom of my card. What a happy day to look forward to. 

So in the end the rainbow in this card again reminds me to hope that whenever I go through the hard stuff in life, God will get me through because He loves me and is always faithful even when I am not. I am still learning but know that all struggle is meaningful and will come to an end at the right time. Painful experiences, loss or struggle is not nice or even a comfortable place to find yourself in and we all need to cling to some sort of hope and God is that Hope for me. It is a real thing for me and I have experienced it in a very personal way all through my life. If you have never opened the door to Him, I can just suggest you give it a go. He is a real Person and will come in and your life will never be the same again. 

You can read more about the products used and the Step-by-Step tutorial over on my personal blog here

Please hop along and catch more rainbow cards. 

Your next stop on the blog hop is Sharon Keanly's blog 

Sharon has been a guest desinger for Ivytree Studio a while back. We love her beautiful cards and we know you will too. 

Here is the complete hop list:
1.     The Girl with a Tape Runner
2.     Helen Duffett   
4.     Margaret Kieser 
5.     Ansu Badenhorst    
6.     Sharon Keanly
7.     Valerie Ann Thorpe
8.      Wilna Cremer
9.     Marie Smith 

Here at Ivytree Studio we believe in the strong message God sends us through the rainbows He puts in the sky for us, so we hope you find new hope being reminded of what rainbows stand for. May you be encouraged that hope lies in the fact that God is still God despite circumstances or feelings and that His love remains steadfast and personal to those who believe in Him.  He is just as real as the rainbows you see after every rain storm.  We hope that you are reminded of it each time you see a rainbow. 

We also hope that you try out this card.  Please share your creations with us either in a comment here or over on our Ivytree Studio Friends group on Facebook and in the Cardmaking & Papercraft SA group. 

Visit Ivytree Studio to see more of what we are up to:
Buy some of our pretty paper here
Connect with the team on our Facebook page here.
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Thursday, June 8, 2017

"Precious Moments" five different ways!

Dear Paper Lovers,

Today we would like to share with you how uniquely we all are created. Each one of us born with a unique thumbprint. When we create, even when we use the same basic concepts or elements, the outcome will be as varied as our thumbprints. 

We gave the Design Team each the same printable kit to play with and we all came up with something different. 

The sketch:

Purchase it here

First up: Surita's version. She is the designer of this kit. 

Second version of this kit is by Ansu:

"I added some of the other little flags from the Wild&Free Collection to this kit. To tell the truth, I lost one of the stripy flags already cut out at our "Paper Play Date" @ the Botanical Gardens last Saturday.  You know those little bits can get away from you sometimes and you need a back-up plan. No big drama. Just replaced them with flags from the collection I had already cut out at home. 

I changed the layout a little to fit my photos. Kitty cat is my queenie-cat-princess-baby-extraordinaire!   She has a real lady fur coat but is her momma's tomboy GI-Jane. Roams the garden and the next door bush, comes back with fur all tangled sometimes with half the bush attached. Yesterday she came in with a big black soot stripe over her beautiful white face, like those stripes the boys have across their cheeks when they take of their American Football helmets. Feisty little miss!! Well, that is why she is center stage on this layout. She is about to turn a full two years. Love her so much. She is really a treat and soothes this childless gap in my momma-heart. My family complete with hubby and me on the left, Dad and Mom and Suki (pet name for Surita) on the right. 

I didn't use the green frames, but will use them on another layout later. I added some of the little flowers from the Wild&Free collection too. On the large layered flowers I added some glitzies an Vegas gold all purpose ink. I also added dots of Anita's 3D glue to flower centers and lined the sentiment with it as well as the little beez and the camera lenze. I only doubled the pink frame and added some gold diamante around Klouye's (my baby's name) photo. I moved the tag to the bottom left of the orange frame and still need to add my journaling. 

On the background before adding all the frames, I used a flower stencil and my pink "cotton candy" Artistry Distress Ink pad from Kcraft that I received as a gift at the Celebr8 event last year. Love those little ink pads cause they have a space to hide your blending foam in and the lids are attached so when you travel with them, your inks are safe. Need to get me more of those. Maybe I'll stock them in our store. 

I loved the eaze of this kit. No fuss and so quick."

Third version: Wilna's retro 60's layout for Mother's Day

A while ago we shared Wilna's version she did for Mother's Day. You can read more on her blog here

Fourth version: Lisa-Marie's lovely single layout

Let's change things totally and just use the elements. See, no rules! Just fun! Play with it! The printable version gives you loads of options as you can re-print it over and over again. Change up your background. Use the frames and other elements as background layers and play around with the flowers too. The sky is the limit. 

Finally we have Margie's version. 

She has done a wonderfully detailed post on the "How to" from downloading to using this! She even laminated the frames.  
You can read her full step by step post here.
We would like to add Margie's "Reasons to try this kit" here. Would love some comments to this post to here what the Paper Lovers out there think. 

So what do you think? Reasons to try this kit.
  • It is VERY reasonably priced - cheaper than if you had driven to the store and bought all the papers and elements
  • You have the benefit of being able to print another page if you make a mistake (like I did)
  • You have instant access to a product, especially if you cannot get to a local store
  • The images are perfectly sized in this kit and all fit together beautifully.

 Ivytree Studio Kit used
SKU ES/163/1

Additional materials used
2 x cardstock for base
glitter glue
double-sided tape
foam squares
foam strips
lamination sheet and laminator

This fabulous KIT is available from Ivytree Studio here


June Blog Follower Challenge:

We would also like to add a little challenge to you all. In the sidebar of our blog you will find a "follow our blog" section where you can just hit the blue button to follow us here. Your photo thumbnail will then show you as part of our little blog network. Just underneath that, you will also find our Google+ followers network gallery. You can also join in there. 

Once you have joined our blog following and your picture shows in the galleries, please comment that you have done so in a comment to this blog post.  We will choose random winners to receive the "Precious Moments" kit free of charge. The 100th comment will win a digital bundle with various printable goodies! Deadline for joining in is the end of June 2017

Visit Ivytree Studio to see more of what they are up to:
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